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Have a question about our drop shipping services?


Drop shipping is very convenient to operate from within the USA. Most suppliers and companies cater to the country because the maximum advancement regarding drop shipping can be witnessed in the USA. Similarly, the consumer market is also the greatest here. However, as the concept is spreading over the world, more opportunities are opening worldwide. You need to consider a few things if you want to start a drop shipping business from outside of USA. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in this aspect.

Do I need an account in USA if I’m based in Canada?

If you’re in Canada, you can very easily start a drop shipping business without having to open a bank account in the USA. It can sometimes get very complicated to operate an American bank account from abroad. You can tackle this situation by making use of PayPal. This technique can also be used in other countries where PayPal works fine. All you have to do is set your payment process in a way that you get paid through PayPal. If you build your website with wholesale2b, you won’t have to worry about this feature. Our website design let’s you choose PayPal as your preferred payment method. After that, the sales on your website based in the USA will be linked to your bank account in Canada via PayPal. It is a legal and foolproof method to get your business running!

Should I target US audience only?

The truth is, you’ll find the biggest drop shipping consumer market in America. As previously mentioned, this is the country where the concept has been established the most. Hence, from the consumer's point of view, Americans are more confident in such businesses than citizens of another country. If you’re just starting out with your business, it will be smart of you to target the place where you have the brightest chances of success. Since drop shipping is already settled in the country, you won’t have to struggle to find bargain deals. Shipping services will be cheaper too. Overall, drop shipping is very easy in the USA despite being a newer concept. On the contrary, you’ll have all these issues in other countries. For places like Canada, Australia, and other huge countries, the shipping charges will be too high. Moreover, you’ll have to struggle to get business licenses. It will be a hassle to cope with the struggles of targeting an entirely new country when on the other hand, you’ll basically be spoon-fed all these requirements in America. The smart move is to stay concise but stress-free. Once your business becomes steady, you can definitely expand to other countries.

These are two of the most confusing and misleading queries regarding drop shipping businesses. Now that your confusions are clarified, you can go ahead and confidently start your own business.

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