Best Ecwid + W2B platform To Sell Everywhere Online

Import our products to your existing Ecwid store and instantly start selling products on Instagram, TikTok, Amazon, Facebook and Google.


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Your Store

Sell from your own store<

  • The perfect choice

    All you need are🔥winning products, and that's where we come in. Install our App easily and choose your favorite products.

How Does This Plan Work?

  • 1
    Install our App in your store

    Login to your W2 account, activate our Ecwid integration and follow the guidelines to link your Ecwid store.

  • 2
    Find products you want to sell

    Browse our products using advanced filters to easily find what you need .

  • 3
    Import products to your store

    Once you have set your prices with global markups, products will load automatically to your store.

  • Order Fulfillment

    Our App grabs orders automatically; Process them with 1 click.

  • Real-time tracking

    We send the shipping tracking codes back to your Ecwid store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ecwid Dropshipping App

Yes we do. The product images will be loaded to your Ecwid store when your list is imported.
Yes. Every products on your list will be pushed every day to your Shopify store so any changes made to any items on your list will be kept in synch with your store. This includes quantity in stock, pricing, name changes, removal of products, etc.
Yes, you can. You can edit the item names and descriptions directly from your list. This is a great way of making the items unique on your site which will help get better SEO. Please note that all changes need to be done directly on your list because your list is considered as your main source. If you change the prices, or item names or item descriptions directly from your store, then those changes will be overwritten by your list the next time it is synched.
Yes you do. The fee for our Ecwid App does not include the Ecwid store. Our Ecwid App requires that you already have a store with Ecwid.
Tracking codes are provided by the suppliers after the order is shipped. Some suppliers are quicker than other however on average you can expect to get the tracking codes between 1 to 2 business days.
No you do not need to manually input tracking codes. Once your order is shipped, we will send the tracking code back to your Ecwid store and your order will be marked as shipped. This will be done automatically for you.
No you don't have to manually input your orders. Your orders will automatically be imported into your Wholesale2B account. You simply need to click on the ORDER NOW link located next to each new pending order. Please make sure that you do not change the status of your orders to shipped. You must let our system change the status for you. When you get a new order you simply need to about until it is imported into your Wholesale2B account, and click on the ORDER NOW link to complete the wholesale payment. New orders are usually imported every 3 hours.

Getting Started with Ecwid Dropshipping: A Complete Guide

In this guide, we'll explore what dropshipping is and why choosing Ecwid for your dropshipping endeavors could be the best decision for your online business. Specifically, we'll delve into how Ecwid simplifies the process, making it a preferred choice for beginners and seasoned merchants alike.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how Ecwid can empower your dropshipping business, answering the pivotal question: “Is Ecwid good for dropshipping?” with a resounding yes.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a streamlined retail method where an online store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a customer places an order, the store forwards it along with the payment to a third-party supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer.

This model significantly reduces the need for substantial upfront investment in inventory and eliminates the complexities of order fulfillment from the retailer’s responsibilities.

Many entrepreneurs are drawn to dropshipping due to its low startup costs and minimal operational hurdles.

It allows business owners to focus on marketing and customer service while the logistics of order storage, packaging, and shipping are handled by the supplier. This not only simplifies the process of running an e-commerce business but also enables quick scaling as customer demands increase.

Key Components of Dropshipping:

  1. The Seller: Often the face of the business, responsible for attracting customers and processing orders.
  2. The Dropshipping Supplier: Manages inventory, fulfills orders, and ships products directly to customers on behalf of the seller.
  3. The Customer: Receives the product directly from the dropshipping supplier, often unaware of the involvement of a third party.

Dropshipping is particularly appealing because it allows business owners to test different products without the risk of buying bulk inventory that may not sell.

This method supports a wide range of products and can be integrated with various e-commerce platforms, including Ecwid, which enhances its functionality with effective dropshipping apps like Wholesale2B.

This app streamlines product integration and order management, making it easier for retailers to maintain an updated and diverse inventory without direct handling.

While dropshipping offers numerous advantages such as reduced risk and lower capital requirement, it also presents challenges like thinner profit margins and less control over shipping and customer service.

However, for many, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, making dropshipping a popular choice among digital entrepreneurs looking to establish or expand their e-commerce ventures.

Why Choose Ecwid for Dropshipping?

Ecwid stands out as an excellent platform for entrepreneurs who are venturing into the dropshipping business.

Its streamlined integration with top dropshipping suppliers and user-friendly features make it a top choice. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider Ecwid for your dropshipping business:

Ease of Setup

Setting up an Ecwid store is incredibly simple and can be completed in just a few minutes. This ease of setup is perfect for beginners who desire an uncomplicated entry into e-commerce.

Ecwid's intuitive interface ensures that you don't need any technical skills to get your store up and running. Additionally, you can integrate Ecwid with your existing website on platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace seamlessly, turning any website into a fully functional e-commerce store.

Wide Product Catalog to Dropship on Ecwid

Ecwid provides access to a vast array of products through its integration with major dropshipping suppliers like Alibaba, Syncee, and Wholesale2B. This integration allows you to offer a wide variety of products in your online store without the need to manage inventory.

For instance, using the Wholesale2B app, you can import products directly, adding them to your store with the option to customize product names and adjust pricing margins.

This wide product catalog feature enables you to quickly scale your business by meeting market demands without the complexities of handling physical products.

Customizable Themes

Ecwid offers over 70 professional design themes that are optimized for various niches, allowing you to tailor the look and feel of your store to match your brand. These themes are easy to customize without any need for coding knowledge.

Whether you're aiming for a minimalist design or something more vibrant and eye-catching, Ecwid’s customizable themes provide the flexibility to create a unique shopping experience for your customers.

Furthermore, I highly recommend using the Wholesale2B Ecwid app for dropshipping. It connects you with over 100 dropship suppliers and manages orders with these suppliers efficiently, which simplifies the process significantly. This integration not only enhances the functionality of your Ecwid store but also supports the seamless management of your dropshipping business.

By choosing Ecwid for your dropshipping business, you're opting for a platform that offers simplicity, a broad range of products, and the flexibility to customize your online store to suit your business needs perfectly. Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your existing e-commerce operations, Ecwid provides a robust solution that supports your business growth.

Setting Up Your Ecwid Store for Dropshipping

To successfully set up your Ecwid store for dropshipping, we'll walk through a few essential steps that will lay a strong foundation for your online business. These steps will guide you from creating your account to selecting your niche and finally adding products from suppliers.

Creating an Ecwid Account

The first step is to create your Ecwid account. This is straightforward:

  1. Visit the Ecwid website and click on the ‘Sign Up’ button.
  2. Fill in the necessary details such as your email address, password, and store name.
  3. Once you've completed the signup process, you will be directed to your Ecwid admin panel where you can start customizing your store.

Choosing Your Niche

Choosing the right niche is critical for the success of your dropshipping business. Here’s how you can select a niche that works for you:

  1. Identify your interests and expertise. A niche related to your passions or professional background will keep you motivated.
  2. Research market demand using tools like Google Trends to ensure there's a steady interest in the products you plan to sell.
  3. Consider the competition. A niche with moderate competition can be good, but one with too much competition might be challenging for beginners.

Adding Products from Suppliers

Once you have your niche, the next step is to add products to your store. Using the Wholesale2B Ecwid app for dropshipping is highly recommended:

  1. Install the Wholesale2B app from the Ecwid app market.
  2. Connect the app with your store by following the on-screen instructions.
  3. Browse through the extensive catalog of products available from over 100 suppliers.
  4. Select the products that fit your niche and add them to your store. The app allows you to customize product details such as descriptions, images, and prices.

By following these steps, you can set up your Ecwid store for dropshipping efficiently. The integration of the Wholesale2B app simplifies the process of product management and order fulfillment, allowing you to focus more on marketing and customer service. This setup not only enhances the functionality of your Ecwid store but also supports the seamless management of your dropshipping business.

Managing and Growing Your Dropshipping Business

Order Management

Managing orders efficiently is crucial for the success of your dropshipping business. Once your customers place a paid order in your Ecwid store, you'll need to handle the order through various apps depending on the supplier you're working with.

For instance, with the Printify or Wholesale2B app, after receiving an order, you simply proceed to checkout in the app, make the wholesale payment, and the rest — from processing to shipping — is managed by them. They even send the tracking code to your store and mark the order as shipped automatically.

Pricing and Shipping Strategies

Deciding on your pricing and shipping strategies is another vital aspect of managing your dropshipping business. In Ecwid, you can choose from various shipping options such as real-time rates, flat rates, free shipping, or custom rates based on weight or price. For instance, you might opt for flat-rate shipping where you charge the same amount regardless of the order size or destination, or perhaps offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount to encourage larger purchases.

To enhance customer satisfaction and conversion rates, consider offering free shipping whenever possible. This can be a powerful incentive for customers to complete their purchases, as high shipping costs are a common reason for cart abandonment. You could absorb these costs by slightly increasing your product prices, or negotiate lower shipping rates with your carriers, which can then be passed on to your customers at checkout.

Marketing Your Store

Effectively marketing your Ecwid store is essential to attract and retain customers. Start by leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to showcase your products. Creating business pages and engaging with your audience through regular posts and ads can significantly increase your store's visibility and traffic.

Additionally, consider implementing email marketing strategies to build a loyal customer base. Collect email addresses through pop-up forms and send regular newsletters with information about new products, promotions, or sales. Segmenting your email lists can help tailor your messages for better engagement.

Lastly, take advantage of Ecwid's SEO features to improve your online store's visibility in search engine results. Utilize keywords effectively, create engaging product descriptions, and ensure your website is optimized for mobile users. Regularly updating your content and using Ecwid's marketing tools can help you maintain a robust online presence, driving more traffic and sales to your store.

By focusing on these key aspects — efficient order management, strategic pricing and shipping, and proactive marketing — you can effectively manage and grow your Ecwid dropshipping business, ensuring a smooth operation and a steady increase in sales.


Embarking on an Ecwid dropshipping journey represents a dynamic approach to e-commerce, offering entrepreneurs the tools and support needed to thrive without the burden of handling inventory. Throughout this article, we've explored the integration of Ecwid with various dropshipping apps, highlighting the efficiency and scalability it brings to online businesses.

The journey from establishing an Ecwid store to optimizing its operations underscores a pathway to success in the competitive world of online selling.


  1. How can I initiate dropshipping using Ecwid? To begin dropshipping on Ecwid, follow these steps:
    • Identify your niche and select products to sell.
    • Establish your online store using a platform like Ecwid.
    • Integrate your products using an application such as Wholesale2B.
    • Set up shipping and payment methods.
    • Start accepting orders.
  2. What are the steps to start a dropshipping business for a beginner? If you're a complete beginner looking to start a dropshipping business, you should:
    • Choose a specific niche for your dropshipping business.
    • Locate and partner with reliable dropshipping suppliers.
    • Develop a brand identity for your business.
    • Create an online store.
    • Organize your business finances.
    • Legally register your dropshipping business.
  3. Is dropshipping advisable for someone new to e-commerce? Yes, dropshipping is highly recommended for beginners in e-commerce. It offers a low barrier to entry and requires minimal initial investment, making it an ideal starting point for newcomers.

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