Wholesale2b dropship Help

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When you make a sale on Amazon you will get an email from Amazon alerting you of the new sale. This email will confirm the selling price of your order and it will also indicate the commission taken by Amazon for that sale.

Then you must process the order so it can be shipped to your customer. To process your Amazon order please login to your wholesale2b.com account and click on the blue button title "YOUR ORDER HISTORY".

On the next page please click on the NEW link below the Amazon section.

On this page you will see all your new pending orders. Then click on the link ORDER NOW located on the right side of the page, and follow the checkout steps.

Then simply follow the checkout steps to complete your payment. You won't have to input the order detail since it is already imported into your W2B account. You just need to go through each step and complete the payment of the order.

Once you complete your payment for the order, we will handle it with the supplier for you, and we will update your Amazon account with the tracking code as soon as we get it from the supplier. You don't have to worry about the tracking code. We will also change the status of the order for you.

Please do not change the status of your order manually. We will do it for you when we push the tracking code to your Amazon account. If you change the status of your order manually in Amazon, it will break the automated process.

Once the item is shipped, Amazon will then deposit the funds to your bank account according to their deposit schedule. You can refer to Amazon deposit policy to determine when you will get your funds from Amazon.

If you still want to contact us please login to your account and from top click "Contact Us".
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