Wholesale2b dropship Help

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Have a question about our drop shipping services?


How do I remove individual products without removing the entire wholesaler? Also when I go on Amazon all my products say they ship in 4 or 5 days? Why?
You can remove single items from your Amazon list by simply clicking on the RED X on the right side. Once you do that, the item will be marked for deletion and will be removed from your list and from your Amazon account the next time your list is pushed.

You can also click on the link "submit list now" located at the top of the list, only after you have marked all the items you wish to remove from your list. This will trigger the list to be pushed to Amazon within about 20 minutes. You should then see all marked items removed from your list.

The default shipping time is set as to 5 days however you can change it in STEP #4. From this step you will see a link to change the default DELIVERY TIME.

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