Wholesale2b dropship Help

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With wholesale2b website plan, not only can you load products from any of our integrated drop ship suppliers, but you can also add your own products as well. This can be practical if you already work with a supplier that is not integrated with wholesale2b.com.

To add your own products you will first need to login to your website admin dashboard using the URL provided to you by wholesale2b when your site was created. You can find the URL to your admin dashboard in the original email that was sent to you when your site was completed. For example if your website name www.mysite.com, then your admin dashboard URL would be www.mysite.com/admin.php.

Once you login to your website admin dashboard, please go to the menu Products => Add your own products => Your own products, as shown in the image below:

This will take you the admin page where you can add your own dropship products to your website.

From this page you will have 2 options to add your own products

A) you can add products manually by inputing the product details such as product name, description, category, pricing and shipping, and images. To add products manually to your site, click on the green button “Add your products manually”, and on the next page fill out the form and click SAVE.

B) you can add products in bulk using a CSV file. To add products in bulk please click on the green button “Upload your products in bulk (using CSV)”. This will take you to a page where you can find instructions on how to setup your file and upload it to your wholesale2b store.

The file will need to be in a specific format and must have the headers as shown below:

You can create this file using Microsoft Excel and save it as a CSV file.

You can also use the URL below to download a sample CSV files that you can open with Excel. This can help you get started by adding new rows for each product you wish to load to your website.


Once you have uploaded a file, you should wait a short time and refresh your page to see the status of your load, located at the bottom section. The status will indicate if the load was Completed and how many rows were imported successfully.

If you have any issues with loading a file to your store, please create a support ticket by clicking on the CONTACT US link located at the top of your wholesale2b.com account, and specify the batch number of the load. The batch number will be displayed at the bottom section of the load page.

If you still want to contact us please login to your account and from top click "Contact Us".
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